M.C.P. Candidacy
Credentialing, Licensing, Ordination, Commissioning for the KingdomM.C.P. Candidacy – Ministry Credentialing Program
Program Description
Ministry Credentialing is a 4-tiered readiness program to qualify selected candidates to receive an official certified license, ordination or commission status for ministry service from Price University. The 4 Tier training series includes foundational courses, office training, educational development activities, practicum and field research, ministry portfolio and professional dissertation. It is designed to meet the University’s standing goals for competent ministry service.
Program Readiness Objectives
- To provide a synoptic overview of Christian ministry practices, perspectives, and attitudes needed to occupy a ministry office;
- To deliver multiple lectures, engage in program specific discussions, and conduct sessions on subject to educate and instill its most vital concepts and essential principles in the students, and to assure they have sufficient information to pass the program and ample material to complete assignments;
- To shift candidate’s consciousness from traditional evangelicalism to apostleship as the bible’s organic foundation;
- To reinforce new creation essentials such as salvation and redemption and principles of the Holy Spirit;
- To differentiate between religion versus redemption and culture versus Christianity;
- To migrate the candidate’s learning path from standard gift expression to office execution;
- To advance the candidate from private devotional service to public office occupation;
- To help the candidate distinguish God as savior versus God as Sovereign;
- To introduce the fundaments of five-fold leadership and kingdom government;
- To review standard ministry requisites such as spiritual gifts, prophecy, priestly service and more.
4 Program Tracks
- EMinistry Credentialing Orientation and Readiness
- EMinistry Ordination and Prophetic Ed Qualification
- EProphetic Ed Deployment and Service Training
- EProphetic Ed Agency Development and Operation Training
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Program Ordination Objectives
Provisional Acceptance
Candidates can enroll into the Ministry Credentialing Program with a minimum of an associates degree or the equivalent in life or ministry experience.
Program Qualifications
- Students who receive a readiness score of 50% or higher for their Ministry Readiness Quotient on the Ministry Assessment Questionnaire;
- Students Bible Knowledge Survey scores are 60% or higher;
- Students overall entrance screening scores are 50% or above.
Acceptance Pre-requisites
- Completion of the Practical Ministry Readiness Certificate Program
- Completion of Life Experience Portfolio for Candidacy
Enrollment Qualification
1) Candidacy Application
2) Completed Prophetic Assessment Questionnaire
2) Submission of Price U Transcript
3) Submit Life Candidacy Portfolio
4) Ordination Declaration (With or Without Appointment)
Program Length
- Track 1: Ministry Credentialing Orientation and Readiness ;
- 5-8 Semesters for Residential Students
- 8-10 Semesters for Non-Residential Students
- 12 Semesters for Special Circumstances
Academic Requirements: Ministry Credentialing students are required to complete all 4 training tiers in succession to satisfy Price U’s credentialing requirements.
Completion Requirements Students must complete all 3 tiers of their training requirements before receiving complete eligibility for a Price University credential.
Program Elements
- Foundational Studies
- Independent Study
- Practicum & Field Research
- Portfolio & Dissertation
- Agency Development
Program Activities
- Track 1: Ministry Credentialing Orientation and Readiness Program
- 12 Practical Ministry Courses
- Life Candidacy Portfolio
- Track 2: Ministry Ordination and Prophetic Ed Qualification
- 4 Common Office Readiness Courses
- 1 Year Praxis and Field Study Project
- Portfolio of Office Documentation
- Ordination Readiness Advisement and Instruction
- Track 3: Prophetic Ed Institute Training
- Agency Deployment
- Agency Service
- Track 4: Prophetic Ed Agency Operations and Management
Candidates who complete the necessary credentialing requirements will be eligible to receive an official certification, licensure ordination or commissioned status from Price University.
M. C. P. Pre-requisites
Entrance into the credentialing program is contingent upon the completion of the Practical Ministry Readiness Certificate Studies unless the student has received a special exemption. In addition to these, the student must apply for Candidacy. This application process requires the student to complete a Life Experience Portfolio. The portfolio project is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the student’s ministerial exposure, experience and expertise. The student will showcase his or her readiness to advance to the next level of learning and preparation for high-level ministry service. Upon submission of this document the Price University’s Credentialing Committee, the student’s acceptance in the official ministry credentialing program will be determined. Should the student be accepted, he or she will receive an official acceptance letter outlining the provisions of their acceptance and requirements for successful completion of the program. From here the student will complete their 4 Tiers of Office Readiness as described below.
Program Outline
Zero Foundations Needed Course Requirements (For those students who took the MAQ and it was determined no foundational courses are required)
- USP 106 King & Kingdom
- USP108 Private Devotion versus Public Ministry
- USP119 Ministry Credentialing
Foundation Studies: Practical Ministry Readiness Certificate Program
To provide students with a summary knowledge of kingdom office essentials necessary for competent service as a minister. These studies sharpen core competencies, and kingdom ministry proficiencies needed for skillful execution of standard office functions for professional ministry.
Course Topics:
- Intro to Apostolic Christianity
- Scripture Organics
- 14 Events Continuum
- Salvation and Redemption Part 1
- What the Bible is All About
- Meeting the Holy Spirit Part 1
- King and Kingdom
- Gift versus Office
- Private Devotion/Public Ministry
- Five-Fold Overview
- Divine Order Overview
- Ministry Credentialing
Course Length: Sessions will be 30 days in length. At the end of a 30-day period, students will complete the subject of that session and start a new subject at the top of the next month.
Course Grades & Criteria: Students will receive a final grade at the end of each session. Grades will be based on student performance, participation, and proficiency. Sessions grades will be determined using a point system for each activity required in the program.
Required Text:
- The Prophet’s Handbook
- The Prophet’s Dictionary
- Prophecy God’s Divine Communications Media
- When God Goes Silent
- Before the Garden God’s Eternal Continuum
- Divine Order for Spiritual Dominance
- Five Fold Overview
Course Costs: $275 per class
Common Office Readiness Courses
This is designed for students to learn the fundamentals of his or her office duties, functions and operations as a structured-pace course that blends research, practice and field observation study. It provides comprehensive training elements to:
- Educate students in the essentials of office performance, execution and discharge.
- Apply common office requirements for ministry service in diverse ministry environments.
- Transform students’ thinking from traditional ministerial models to that of a public officer and professional servant of Christ to His church, kingdom and world.
- Empower students to take their role and responsibility as a minister seriously to produce excellent service in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Replicate their training, knowledge and office consciousness in their ministry work and those they will impact.
Required Courses:
- Mantleship Terminology
- Constructing the Contemporary Prophet 1 – Intro to Prophetics
- Constructing the Contemporary Prophet 2 – Intro to the Prophet
- Constructing the Contemporary Prophet 3 – Intro to the Office
- Whitepaper: Prophecy Divine Communications Media
- Whitepaper: When God Goes Silent
Course Length: Courses will be 12 weeks and run concurrent with other credentialing course requirements. Students will maintain no less than 3 courses per semester.
Course Grades & Criteria: Students will receive a final grade at the end of each semester. Grades will be based on student performance, participation, and proficiency. Course grades will be determined using a 100-point system for each activity required in the program and run on traditional A-C scale. Students with grades below a B-Average may not qualify to advance to the next level of training.
Required Text:
- The Prophet’s Handbook
- The Prophet’s Dictionary
- Prophecy God’s Divine Communications Media
- When God Goes Silent
Cost: Included in the Program fee of 350.00/month
Praxis Intervention Research and Field Study
Praxis Requirements:
The candidate must complete a 12-month Praxis Intervention Project that demonstrates a simulated version of what the candidate believes to be their ministerial assignment to the Lord Jesus Christ. This assignment is the application of what the candidate understands to be the reason God is ordaining them to one of His ministry offices. The praxis defines what purpose will the candidate serve in God’s kingdom, how the candidate will achieve that purpose, what will that purpose look like in action, how the candidate will maintain and sustain it, and what kind of fruit will it bring the Lord Jesus in His redemption and recovery effort? The candidate must create an environment in which he or she is able to turn theory into practices and showcase the ability to perform the knowledge received in the candidate’s course of study.
The candidate must select willing participants to contribute to their research who he or she will then observe and assess throughout the project to determine the effectiveness of their assignment and effort to produce it. From here the candidate will draft his or her conclusions on the process, the results of this experience and what was achieved and learned from it. These requirements will be completed in 4-stages throughout the credentialing program. The stages will be structured into 12 week courses to help the candidate compile and complete their project within the allotted time period. These stages are outlined below.
Praxis Project Completion Stages
- Praxis Intervention Project Proposal
- Praxis Intervention Research and Development
- Praxis Observations and Assessments
- Praxis Conclusions and White Paper
Course Length: Courses will be 12 weeks and run concurrent with other credentialing course requirements. Students will maintain no less than 3 courses per semester.
Course Grades & Criteria: Students will receive a final grade at the end of each semester for the submission of each praxis stage. Grades will be based on student performance, participation, and proficiency. Course grades will be determined using a 100-point system for each activity required in the program and run on traditional A-C scale. Students with grades below a B-Average may not qualify to advance to the next level of training.
Cost: Included in the Program fee of 350.00/month
Final Portfolio, Defense & Dissertation
Final Portfolio of Office
The MCP Candidacy Ministerial Portfolio begins in the student’s orientation period and is maintained throughout the entire MCP Candidacy training experience. To this end, the instructor[1] conducts periodic updates, reviews and evaluations of the document’s progress at scheduled times throughout their readiness term. There are many elements in the portfolio that exemplify the student’s work, achievements, and competencies. All three are the core aims of the project. Among these are the training process’ standardized forms to be used to prepare course assignments. Samples of the student’s most satisfactory ones must be included in the documentation[2]. The MCP Candidacy Ministerial Portfolio requirement is to achieve two extremely fundamental objectives for the MCP Candidacy learner. The first is extensive presentation of the student’s knowledges and the intelligences gained from the program. To exhibit these, students assemble a variety of documents prepared and submitted to their instructors throughout the course. They compose these to synthesize what the training taught and contrast it to what they learned and are now capable of doing as a result of passing successive phases and stages of the training. The portfolio submitted must reflect the student’s ministry awareness. That means the student must include sufficient samples of his or her actual ministry call and its place in the fivefold, the Lord’s kingdom and His ecclesia. The particular mandate, mission, vision and entity the Lord appointed the student must show itself in the final product. Language, illustrations, scenarios, and other presentative content is to portray these as the student received them from the Lord and intends to apply them in active ministry.
The portfolio has two formative goals. The first is confirmation of the student’s ability to communicate the education received in multiple ways, and to a diversity of learners. This is the first segment. The second goal is set in the second segment. It is the action part of the portfolio. At this stage, the goal is to evidence the students’ capacity to use all they learnt in various ministerial contexts, environments, and entities. In this segment, the highest purpose is pragmatism. Did students absorb the training well enough to implement it for their own ministries and to teach others how to use it effectively? This portfolio segment showcases the student’s methods, innovation, ingenuity and the like as they reveal their problem solving, critical thinking, vision casting, and implementation abilities. Successful portfolios highlight how effectively the student can identify basic human resources, and create, implement, monitor and adapt a ministry model or undertaking to real world environments. Both of these aims are essential to a portfolio’s acceptance and the student’s advancement in the graduate candidacy process.
Portfolios are to be chronologically organized, professionally typed and illustrated, bound and presented. Preparers should remember that the completed document should extend beyond graduation to be used as a working manual that governs the discharge of their ministry assignment. In respect to the minister’s commission or mandate, all portfolios are to exemplify the student’s mastery of the assignment the Lord delegated. They are to produce a cohesive understanding of how their ministry commission or mandate and its dispensation are to be applied to their indicated ministerial sphere. In addition, the portfolios explanation sections are to set forth in prudent ways the best strategic concepts they have for employing MCP Candidacy’s ministry concepts to their planned execution of the office in full time service to the Lord. Moreover, the portfolio should express the student’s improved perception of ministry and how theirs will suit the modern church and the contemporary Christian’s kingdom outlook. The portfolio as a whole must show how knowledgeable the student is of cultural trends and how it figures into their future ministry, along with the best tools and methods to use to promote God’s truth and counteract cultural norms that strive to subvert or refute it.
The portfolio is compiled into a single document that contains the following:
- The Overview of the Praxis Assignment
- Understanding of the Candidates Vision, Mantle and Mandate
- History of Office Education, Training and Readiness
- Impact, Significance and Results
- Conclusions and Defense
Ordination and Appointment:
The final step for the candidates once all other requirements have been met is official ordination into office. There are two options for ordination:
- Ordination with Appointment
- Ordination without Appointment
With appointment means that students will be official appointed to office position with New Era Apostleship Restitution as a Global Prophetic Company Prophet. This means candidates will serve in an office capacity under these auspices.
Without Appointment means candidates will receive an official ordination from Price University that allows candidates to be appointed to any organization or institution as ordained or commissioned officer.
[1] Or the Readiness Coach.
[2] These would be The Topical Scripture Study, The Keyword Study, The Message and Meaning and the Audio Video Worksheets.