Entrance Requirements

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Entrance Requirements

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    Admissions Process

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    Bible Knowledge Survey

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    Student Assessment Questionnaire

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    General Entrance Requirements for The Master’s Degree

    • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited undergraduate institution
    • Minimum grade-point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

    • Completed Standardized Ministry Assessment and Bible Knowledge Survey 

    • Completed Apostolic-Prophetic Pre-requisites 

    General Entrance Requirements for The Doctoral Degree

    • Master’s degree from a regionally accredited undergraduate institution

    • Minimum grade-point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

    This system is wholly constructed on a biblical archetype that mirrors the ministerial requirements given by God to our Bible predecessors.

    Entrance Assessment & Screening 

    Price University requires each of its potential students to take the Standardized Ministry Assessment Questionnaire as a part of the admissions process. We designed our assessments to aid us in identifying and learning more about potential student’s ministry gifting or five-fold office. Students will find out their ministry strengths, abilities, aptitudes, character and assets, including emotional intelligence, ministry readiness and most suited ministerial environment. It offers a total snapshot of the student as an existing or potential minister.

    Entrance Interview

    This survey assesses a potential student’s foundational knowledge of Scripture and their basic Bible scholarship as it relates to their understanding of core Christian doctrine. Our program recognizes the importance of biblical academics to quality ministry. Biblical intelligence plays an integral role in our students’ ability to complete and apply their education in their field of mastery.

    This survey allows us to determine where the student needs to begin in their educational journey. Scores will place students on the appropriate training path for the most effective learning environment. Based on score range, we may require students to take pre-requisites before entering their official program.

    Tuition Deposit

    After admission has been granted, a non-refundable tuition payment in the amount of $125 is required to begin the enrollment process. This will be credited toward the student’s tuition balance and secure their placement.

    Course Enrollment

    Students must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours per semester to be considered registered in a degree program at Price University. Credit hours under 6 per semester will not be credited toward any official degree.

    Language Requirements

    Price University requires that students have sufficient knowledge of the English language to succeed in your program of study. Students must provide proof of English language proficiency before they can be admitted. Quality grammar skills in writing and communication are essential to educational success. For more information about Price University’s English Proficiency Requirements, email: [email protected].

    7100 E. 31st Street
    Tulsa, OK 74145
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