Program Purpose: To help apostles and those called to work with or otherwise serve them, transition from local ministry leadership to global leadership by equipping them with the necessary tools to become change agents for Jesus Christ. Since God’s global leadership in the human sphere began apostolically with a royal prophet, a course such as this one continues His traditions and perpetuates His patterns.
Program Purpose: The purpose of this course is to forge the indivisible though often suppressed concentric of Christian ministry. That is, the arm of divine communications; heaven’s experiences, intelligences and intentions transmitted to Earth.
Program Purpose: This Bachelor of Arts program purpose is to send Price University students into their respective ministries with a sound mind, pure heart and a clear head for engaging in the work of representing and serving Jesus Christ.
Program Purpose: To help the 1 Corinthians 12:28 and Ephesians 4:11 ministers’ transition from local leadership mentality to global leadership thought leaders by presenting Christ’s true intention for Matthew 28:18-20, discipleship beyond worldwide evangelism to make them change agents for Jesus Christ.