Admissions Requirements
Step by Step
Screening Information
The Standardized Ministry Assessment is an automatic part of the student admissions process. Once students complete the application, it will immediately prompt them to start the assessment portion of their application requirements.
Students do not need to go to any other site or outlet to complete their assessments. If the student has already taken this assessment, they will skip this part of their entrance requisites and proceed to their Bible Knowledge Survey.
Students will receive copies of results from both the Assessment and the Bible Knowledge Survey as a part of their phone interview with an Admission’s Specialist. These will be a part of the student’s permanent record. Regardless of enrollment status, students can keep a copy of their results for personal or future professional use.
Outcomes will determine student’s placement and start point. Score ranges may require students to take pre-requisites before entering the official degree program. Admission specialists will let students know at the time of the interview what their potential placement may be upon acceptance to Price University.
Score Ranges
Score ranges under 85% will require students to complete certain pre-requisite courses before entering into their official program. Scores below 70% may require students to complete introductory training before beginning official enrollment into Price University.

If the student has already taken this assessment, they will skip this part of their entrance requisites and proceed to their Bible Knowledge Survey.
Admissions Process In Steps
Step 1: Entrance Assessments: M.A.Q. and Bible Knowledge Survey
Part 1. Ministers Assessment Questionnaire
If applicable, the next step is to complete your Standardized Ministry Assessment for valid entrance. We require applicants to complete the Ministers Assessment Questionnaire before their application process can be finalized. This is not a test, but an evaluation tool used for placement and qualification for our learning programs. The assessment fee is $69.00. If you have taken an MAQ with us within the last 12-14 months, we do not require you to take it again. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us to speak with a representative. The assessment can be found at
Part 2. Bible Knowledge Survey
After students have submitted their assessment, the next entrance requirement is completing the Bible Knowledge Survey. We designed this to assess the students’ present bible knowledge and understanding of God’s word. It will assist with student placement and academic qualification for our learning programs. The survey fee is $50.00. Once submitted, students will move into the written requirements for enrollment. If students need assistance with completing their survey, they can contact us and speak to a representative.
Step 2: Complete Application (Practical Ministry Readiness Certificate/Diploma)
The application fee is $75.00. Please complete your application in its entirety. If you have questions or need help with your enrollment information, please contact us and speak with a representative. Submit Honor Code Agreement. We require applicants to sign an honor code committing to uphold standard Christian character, values, and ethics. Price University is wholly biblical apostolic-prophetic university, built on the foundation of apostolic-prophetic doctrinal beliefs according to 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 2:20 and Ephesians 4:11. Students will be required during their time with Price University to exemplify these beliefs and demonstrate them in their daily lifestyle as biblical and spiritual citizens of God’s Kingdom. We discourage students who cannot support these standards from applying at this time.
Step 3: Complete Your Student Entrance Profile
Applicants are asked to complete a thorough entrance profile for consideration for entrance into Price University. Your entrance profile will include:
Applicant Essay Questions
- Life Timeline Questions and Autobiographical Sketch
- Student Background Information and Details
- Preliminary Financial Outlook Details
Step 4: Submit/Upload All Required Documents
See below for a summary of the required supporting documents for admission consideration and email them to us at [email protected].
Step 5: Schedule Your Student Interview: Call the University to Schedule
The final step in the admissions process is to interview with an Admissions Specialist. Schedule your student interview within 10 business days from the submission of your application. The interview process allows students to answer questions about their education and ministerial goals, the documents submitted, and review both their assessment and Bible exam results. This will provide recommendations and placement opportunities, should the student’s application be approved.
Additional Documents Required for Consideration
Once all of your application steps are completed, contact the University at 877-419-1299 to schedule your interview.
Official Student Transcripts
Students are required to provide an official student transcript when applying for enrollment in our programs. Official transcripts must be received directly from all colleges and universities attended in their original sealed envelopes. If transcripts are coming from a bible or vocational school, students will need to make a special request for consideration for non-university transcripts to be accepted.
Send Transcripts To
Price University
c/o The Embassy
7100 E. 31st Streett
Tulsa, OK 74145
Ministry & Professional Resume
We also ask students to submit a ministry and professional resume of their experience and work history. This will assist us in proper placement and support for aiding students in their professional or ministerial goals. This should be submitted in standard professional format through the University’s personalized Student Portal.
Recommendations & References
Students must provide a total of 3 references and/or recommendations. These must be a combination of either:
- 2 Academic/Professional and (1) Ministerial, or
- (2) Ministerial and (1) Academic/Professional.
Students must download the required reference form and have their references submit the completed forms to us. Completed forms may be emailed to